We want to make brazen streetwear fashion statements every day!

Since the day one after an Iowa-based fashion-blogger and stylist Janine Desmines founded this online retail store, we’ve been following one and the same route of success…

In short, it can be described as a primary focus on the fashion style that we chose as our major one – the urban and streetwear. As we do not manufacture our own clothing, Janine, and our whole team has been since carefully apple-picking the best major and independent American brands.

As a result of our team’s great taste and spot-on fashion choices, now our store features more than 59 streetwear brands, ranging from an industry giant like “Baheera” and well to indie brands like “Slavenoery”, “US Eagle” and many others…

Company history

Many of our customers wonder, what’s been the reasoning behind our store’s opening… Actually, it’s quite simple. Our founder, Janine Desmines has enjoyed a wide acclaim as a popular fashion blogger and a YouTube blogger. Millions of people have watched either of her many videos, reviews and tutorials.

Eventually, as Janine had an initial capital ready, she decided that it will be a smart decision to capitalize on all of the above and start a tasteful, streetwear championing marketplace like the one our store has become since!

Our Vision

The company’s vision can be described in just two words: “Brazenly Urban”… There’s basically just one philosophy that we follow and it is a good selection of apparel that we sell.

We’ve succeeded in soliciting a “pool” of more than 50 US brands, all of which are amazing and by and large shape the urban and the streetwear fashion trends as we know it.

Our Team


Besides our founder Janine, there’s a whole team of people who both curate the store’s brands and items range and manage the store’s overall business development process…

People like super-talented, indie clothing designer Mary Wanderfart, incredibly insightful fashion industry pro Harry Rockfelon and of course our Chief Executive Office and Chief Development Officer Rajesh Mahatma, a fashion guru from New Delhi, India.

Altogether, all of our team members contribute their fair share, which ultimately shapes up our store’s success and growth.

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